Sidespeople and greeters

This group of parishioners welcome everyone to church on Sunday morning at either the 10.00am service. They ensure that everyone has a leaflet to follow the service and take up the collection.
Members of the congregation who volunteer to read the designated Readings from the Old and New Testament during the services.
Lay members of the parish who prepare and lead the Prayers of the People at each parish service.
Lay Administrators
Members of the parish who have been trained to assist the clergy with the giving of communion at various services. Visit our Lay Leadership page for more info.
Hospitality Hosts
Every Sunday following the 10:00am service, two or three people volunteer to make and serve tea, coffee, and yummy treats.
Chancel Guild
A team of dedicated parish ladies who prepare the altar for each Eucharist celebrated at St John’s. They are responsible for caring for the Church’s silver, brass, and linens. A smaller group of ladies ensure that the main altar is decorated with flowers on a weekly basis and co-ordinate the decoration of the church at Christmas and Easter. To donate or dedicate flowers to loved ones for either the main altar or side chapel, please contact the Church office ( )