Come As You Are, Leave Uplifted.


We at St. John’s, Shaughnessy, are committed to the excellence of music in our liturgical life. Even in an increasingly secular society, humans long to see and feel the presence of the divine. We believe that excellence in music can help us experience a narrowing of the gap between the imminent and the transcendent, bringing us closer to God. Such experiences of the beauty of holiness in our worship life refresh us as worshippers and inspire us to carry out God’s mission in our daily lives.

Our auditioned choir sings music from early polyphony to contemporary compositions in the Anglican cathedral tradtion. The choir supports the 10 a.m. Eucharist and regularly sings evensong and at special services.

Music is the ultimate medium to unite everyone in corporate worship. Hymns express our praises and confessions and assist us in reflecting on the Scripture readings of the day and the liturgical season. St. John’s provides an all-inclusive service leaflet, encouraging singing in harmony by musically inclined people.